Equipping Kingdom Kids with Becky Fischer
This is a podcast for both Spirit-filled parents and ministry leaders who are interested in raising a generation of boys and girls and teens to walk in the supernatural power of God.
Equipping Kingdom Kids with Becky Fischer
White Magic, Black Magic, and the Power of God
Becky compares white magic and black magic to the supernatural power of God! She emphasizes that as believers, there are only two sources of supernatural power: It either comes from God or Satan. We need to understand that magic is Satan's substitute for the amazing gifts of the Spirit and highlights the importance of walking in the light and rejecting the darkness. We are children of the light and have nothing to do with the fruit of darkness.
Get your copy of the curriculum mentioned in this video -- God's Supernatural Kingdom: https://kidsinministry.org/products/childrens-ministry/kimi-curriculum/gods-supernatural-kingdom/
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