Equipping Kingdom Kids with Becky Fischer
This is a podcast for both Spirit-filled parents and ministry leaders who are interested in raising a generation of boys and girls and teens to walk in the supernatural power of God.
Equipping Kingdom Kids with Becky Fischer
PowerClub Kids - The Mighty Name of Jesus
In this episode of The Mighty Name of Jesus, Becky Fischer teaches several aspects of the Mighty Name of Jesus, a basic Christian foundational doctrine. It highlights many scriptures that encompass our Christian beliefs about his name. These scriptures include: "God has lifted him up very, very high and given Him a name that is above all names," (Philippians 2:9) "Ask anything in my name, and I will do it," (John 14:14) "Demons tremble at the name of Jesus," (James 2:19) and "Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." (Philippians 2:10) And "there's no other name whereby we must be saved."
Our cast of children join in to share their opinions on what makes the name of Jesus special. The Bible story features Peter and John who were told to stop preaching and teaching in the name of Jesus
If your children would like to appear in future shows, email Becky at becky@powerclubkids.com.
Music by YANCY
No Other Name
℗&©2008Yancy Ministries, Inc.
From the album Rock-N-Happy Heart
Joshua Mills
Instrumental Prayer Music
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