Equipping Kingdom Kids with Becky Fischer
This is a podcast for both Spirit-filled parents and ministry leaders who are interested in raising a generation of boys and girls and teens to walk in the supernatural power of God.
Equipping Kingdom Kids with Becky Fischer
PowerClub Kids - Our God is a Talking God
The Most High God, creator of heaven and earth, started talking in the first chapter of the Bible when He said, "Let there be light!" and He's never stopped talking yet! We can hear His voice still today. In this program, we learn what it means when Jesus said, "My sheep know my voice." We share the Bible story of the prophet Elijah in the Old Testament when he heard the still, small voice of God, and we compare it to the audible voice of God.
We explore the concept that our God is a Talking God. We begin by explaining why Jesus compared us to sheep and emphasize the importance of recognizing His voice. Kids share their insights on what God's voice sounds like, adding a personal touch to the discussion. The video concludes with a powerful testimony from a teen who heard God's audible voice when she was just seven years old.
This video can be used with families at home but also at church for a children's service in place of a kid's sermon.
If your child would like to participate in a future Power Club Kids program, write becky@powerclubkids.com
Music by YANCY
Ready, Set, Go!
℗&©2023 Yancy Ministries, Inc.
Kidmin Worship Vol. 8: Revival Worship Songs
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